The London Protocol : What it is and How to Implement it : 2014 Edition
In 1996, the London Protocol was agreed to further modernise, and eventually replace, the 'Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972', one of the first global conventions to protect the marine environment from human activities which has been in force since 1975. The Convention's objective is to promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution and to take all practicable steps to prevent pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matter. Under the Protocol all dumping is prohibited, except for possibly acceptable wastes on the so-called 'reverse list'. The Protocol entered into force on 24 March 2006. This manual provides useful, practical information to Governments, particularly those of developing countries, on the technical, economic and legal implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the London Protocol
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