Process Automation Handbook : A Guide to Theory and Practice
To be effective as an engineer practicing in the field of process automation requires a breadth of knowledge across a wide range of discipluines: chemical engineering, instrumentation, electrical engineering, control theory, mathematics, computing and management.
Previously published books exist in these areas but most are generic and, of those that are applied in nature, few are oriented towards the actual needs of the chemical and process industry. It is impractical for engineers and unreasonable for students to have to cope with rthis spectrum of material and lack of emphasis. The objective of process automation handbook has bee to distil into at a depth sufficient for most practical purposes.
The handbook focuses on the knowledge needed to cope with the vast majority of process control and automation situations. In doing so, a number of sensible balances have been carefully struck between breadth and depth, theory and practice, classical and modern, technology and technique, information and understanding. A trough grounding is provided for every topic. If more detailed information is required, the reader is reffered to more specialised texts in the knowledge that he or she has been provided with a sound platform to ask the right questions and understand the answers.
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