The Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976 (LLMC 1976) was adopted at the International Conference on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims held in London, from 1 to 19 November 1976, at the Invitation of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), now International Maritime Organization (IMO). The LLMC 1976 entered into force on 1 December 1…
The 2010 FTP Code, along with relevant SOLAS amendments to make it mandatory, was adopted, with an expected entry into force date of 1 July 2012. The 2010 FTP Code provides the international requirements for laboratory testing, type-approval and fire test procedures for products referenced under SOLAS chapter II-2. It comprehensively revises and updates the current Code, adopted by the MSC in …
The present code has been developed for the design, construction and operation of offshore support vessels (OSVs) which transport hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk for the servicing and resupplying of offshore platforms, mobile offshore drilling units and other offshore installations, including those employed in the search and recovery of hydrocarbons from the seabed. The basic p…
The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about using low cost and low technology approaches that are useful for monitoring compliance with permit conditions associated with ocean disposal of waste materials or other matter. The primary audiences for this guidance are countries that are in the early stages of developing waste assessment and monitoring actions in conc…
The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about using low cost and low technology tools that are useful for monitoring of possible environmental impacts associated with disposal at sea of either dredged material or inert, inorganic geological materials. The primary audiences for this guidance are countries that are in the early stages of developing waste assessment …
This publication presents: the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009; six resolutions adopted at the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships held under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization in Hong Kong, China, from 11 to 15 May 2009; six sets of guidelines for the unifo…
The aim of the Guidelines is to provide practical guidance for assessing and responding to incidents involving sunken oil. Their scope is confined to sunken and submerged oil and does not include oil on sunken wrecks. The Guidelines also include references to other information sources.
Developed by a joint working group of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and IMO, these guidelines are designed to help Administrations, shipowners and seafarers meet their obligations under ILO Convention No. 180 (Seafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention) and IMO’s STCW Convention, 1978, as amended in 1995. They provide a standardized table showing shipboard w…
The rapid increase since the 1950s in the use of freight containers for the consignment of goods by sea and the development of specialized container ships, prompted the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in 1967, to study the safety of containerization in marine transport. In 1972, a conference jointly convened by the United Nations and IMO was held to consider a draft convention pre…