This Convention was the first multilateral instrument to be concluded with the prime objective of protecting the environment. It is concerned with the agreement between the Governments involved to prevent pollution of the sea by oil discharged from ships. The text published is as amended in 1962 and 1969
This publication contains the text of the Final Act of the International Conference on Liability and Compensation for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 which was held at IMO in London from 9 to 23 March 2001. Attachment 1 to the Final Act is the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 (Bunkers Convention). The Conference also adoptd resolutions on - Lim…
The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), at its thirty-third session, agreed that a new section V of the IMO Manual on Oil Pollution, dealing with administrative aspects and, in particular, with the roles and functions of entities which could be involved in an oil pollution emergency and its aftermath, should be developed. The present text is a revision of the first edition of the Ma…
Many tropical regions are at risk from oil spills, whether from shipping passing along important routes nearby or from offshore oil production or coastal refineries. Many tropical nations rely on the sea for food and need clean water for aquaculture ponds, to feed desalination plants and to sustain tourism. There are also important unique ecosystems, many of them very vulnerable to oil spills a…
The Intervention Convention deals with the need to protect the interests of coastal States directly affected or threatened by the consequences of a maritime casualty which might result in oil pollution of the sea or coastlines. This edition also the 1973 Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil, 1973.
The 1990 Conference on International Co-operation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response invited IMO to initiate work to develop an appropriate instrument to expand the scope of the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990, to supply, in whole or in part, to pollution incidents by hazasrdous substances other than oil and prepare a proposal to t…
This Section of the Manual on Oil Pollution is intended to provide practical guidance related to the prevention of pollution from ships, and describes procedures for the handling of oil cargoes, bunkering, ship-to-ship transfer operations, transfer operations involving offshore units and operations in ice-covered waters. It also provides an overview of the various prevention practices, as a com…
This edition of Section IV draws on the experience and lessons learned by Governments and industry in responding to marine oil pollution world-wide during the last thirty years. It builds on earlier editions, first published in 1972 and revised in 1980 and 1988, and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge, expertise and understanding in the field of oil spill res…
The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), at its thirty-third session, agreed that a new section V of the IMO Manual on Oil Pollution, dealing with administrative aspects and, in particular, with the roles and functions of entities which could be involved in an oil pollution emergency and its aftermath, should be developed. The present text is a revision of the first edition of the Ma…