The SLF Sub-Committee established a correspondence group to facilitate the revision of the Code and the Voluntary Guidelines and following clearance by the relevant sub-committees of the IMO, the revised text was submitted to the MSC at its seventy-ninth session (1 to 10 December 2004) at which it was approved. At the twenty-sixth session of the Committee on Fisheries in March 2005, FAO welcome…
A Recommendation on Safe Practice of Dangerous Goods in Ports and Harbours was first circulated by the Organization in November 1973. The subsequent development of new techniques in shore and ship operations, as well as the desirability of having more comprehensive recommendations which included dangerous goods in packaged form, liquid and solid dangerous substances and liquefied gas carried in…
Many incidents in transport are attributed to poor practices in the packing of cargo transport units, including inadequate securing of the cargo, overloading and incorrect declaration of contents. This is of major concern particularly because the victims may be the general public or transport and supply chain workers, who generally have no control over the packing of such units. The CTU Code…
Safety is crictical to the tanker industry. The Internasional Safety Guide for Oil Tanker and Terminals (ISGOTT) has become the standard reference work on the safe operation of oil tanker and the terminal they serve. To remain so, The guide must keep abreast of changes in ship design and operating practice, and reflect the latest technology and legislation.