This publication provides basic guidance to port state control officers (PSCOs) on the conduct of port State control (PSC) inspections worldwide, and to harmonize the criteria for deciding on deficiencies of a ship, its equipment and crew, as wellas the application of control procedures.
Positive student behaviors are desired outcomes, but this manual concentrates on inputs. How do you respond to difficult behavior in the moment when you know that punitive, compliance-based behavior management is so often ineffectual ? Whats the best way to prevent students from acting out in the first place ? The path to success requires behavioral leadership, in which teachers strategically m…
To be effective as an engineer practicing in the field of process automation requires a breadth of knowledge across a wide range of discipluines: chemical engineering, instrumentation, electrical engineering, control theory, mathematics, computing and management.
Previously published books exist in these areas but most are generic and, of those that are applied in nature, few are oriented tow…
The principles of the International Chamber of Shipping Bridge Procedures Guide have been used as a basis for shipping company practice, whilst the texts and notices issued by the UK Depatrment of Transport have provided essential guidance in the compilation of this volume.
Over the years, fleet managers and superintendents from companies all over the wold have discussed their requirements an…